In WASC Examination for Mathematics theory (not objective) paper  WAEC will require you to show all details leading to your answer. Reason being that they are aware of the devices of corrupt, cheating infested and unintelligent candidates will follow the short cut to copy Final Answer thereby eroding the efforts of qualified students. 

That an admission seeking student decided to forge results to flaw the process does not confer on him legitimacy after completion of study. 

There are steps to achieve desired results. If there are violations in qualifications then disqualification become inevitable. 

In all of these, the umpires must be firm, neutral, decisive, just, fair and equitable. Discharging their responsibilities creditably and transparently is the only way to justify existence but failure thereof breeds division, create factions and raise questions. That's the lot of a faction of Okennachi Presided over by Mazi Udo Chijioke and locally Chaired by Mazi Nkem Okoro.

Their leadership of Okennachi faction was flawed and morally compromised. The following will buttress this. 

1. Okennachi set up a selection Committee headed by Mazi Sobaz Obasi. On 7th October, 2023 meeting where the three Ruling Families presented candidates, Pastor Eberechukwu Oji Kanu Eni wasn't in the picture at all. More so, nomination closed by this period. Therefore any nomination after the closing date is illegal and should be unacceptable. Fundamentally, Pastor Ebere ought not to be a candidate. 

2. On 17th October, 2023 which was selection day proper, suddenly, unreported Pastor Ebere showed up from the blues. Eze Utughugwu's question to Kanu Oji as to who and how Pastor Ebere suddenly came into the picture rattled him. He dogged it and said that only Mazi Udo Chijioke can answer the question. Why would Mazi Udo Chijioke shamelessly smuggle in his preferred candidate at the 11th hour? Where lies his morals? Recall in No1 above that he wasn't a candidate. 

3. Mazi Udo Chijioke ought to have told Umu Aro why the selection Committee Chairman, Mazi Sobaz Obasi shockingly and abruptly exited the Chairmanship and membership of the Committee. Mazi Udo Chijioke alleged ill-health which wasn't true rather he wasn't satisfied with Udo's antics. For benefits of Umu Aro, a no nonsense Mazi Sobaz honorably quit the platform when the ovation was loudest when he noticed the subterranean, mendacious and manipulative mechanism of Mazi Udo Chijioke. 

4. Mazi Udo Chijioke knows that one of the prerequisites of being Eze Aro is for the nominated Prince to go to Awada Aro Shrine to perform traditional rites. Prince Pastor Ebere Oji Kanu Eni vehemently refused going to do the needful and rather opted to hire an agent to perform that on his behalf. What an aberration!!!! His refusal is just a timely signal that Pastor Ebere's agenda will be to destroy age-long culture and tradition of Arochukwu Kingdom. Tufiakwa!! 

Nde Ichie ekwekwaa!!!!! 

5. It has been said and confirmed by the custodians of Arochukwu culture and traditions that it's unheard of that Nwamazi  is crowned Eze Aro. Ebere Oji Kanu's father Apostle Joshua Oji Kanu Eni is still alive. The caveat is that the Prince, intending to be Eze Aro must have properly buried his father and performed burial rites of the passage and then become eligible after one year after that.

6. Let us refer to earlier letter written by Mazi Udo Chijioke to President General of Nzuko Aro after installation of HRM Eze Godwin Kanu Idei. This same Mazi Udo Chijioke denied that there was no election. However, in another letter to Umu Aro dated..... and authored by Mazi Udo Chijioke, he accepted there was election irrespective of the name he gave it 5:2. The question, when have we resorted to voting Eze Aro. Mazi Udo insisted on election to achieve a desired end. 

7. Mazi Udo Chijioke should publish the document containing guideline to follow in selection of Eze Aro. He set it aside. Let him also publish report of the Selection Committee before the Election instigated by Mazi Udo Chijioke. 

We have on tape various positions of some Committee members on what truly transpired. 

Painfully and regrettably the factionalized paramount leader of compromised Okennachi headed by this same Mazi Udo Chijioke  conscious of these infractions still insisted and persisted on the candidacy of Nwamazi Pastor Ebere Oji Kanu. How low men can lose their salt and debase to the shallow? 

Our revered Traditional Rulers  Eze Ibom Isii, HRH Eze Kanu Nwa Kanu; Eze Eze Agwu, HRH Eze Okoroafor Uroh Okoroafor knew these truths and refused to be bought through their emissaries including Mazi Ugochukwu Okoroafor. They stood their ground as men of honor and distinction. They're afraid of Nde Ichie descending on Umu  Aro with attendant calamitous consequences. They insisted on doing the right things to preserve the cherished Arochukwu Kingdom culture and traditions.

Armed with the manipulative conjectures  of Mazi Udo Chijioke and his cohorts, a different integrity group of Okennachi backed out of Chijioke's compromised and autocratic government and stood on the alter of truth. They did what Udo Chijioke couldn't do. This incorruptible Group settled for Prince Godwin Kanu Idei Kanu Okoro Oke Nnachi. They took him through all the processes enumerated by factional Okennachi leader Mazi Udo Chijioke. Eze Ibom Isii and Eze Eze Agwu capped it by crowning him the 9th Eze Aro of Arochukwu Kingdom.

By that, HRM Eze Mazi Godwin Kanu Idei Kanu Okoro Oke Nnachi satisfied all requirements, participated in all processes and strongly emerged as the 9th Eze Aro. 

The rightful person is already crowned and the Okpu (cap) is unkpupuable ( can't be uncrowned). Him whom the cap fit is already adorning it. 

Mazi Udo Chijioke can't win this battle because Eze Ibom Isii can't reverse himself having done the right thing. Let him and his co-travellers beat a retreat early and fall in line. Mazi must repent and turn a new leave. He still have opportunity to rewrite his chequered story and carve his name on the positive part of history. 

 Mazi Udo Chijioke please know it that when a process and condition precedent is flawed, the result remains a nullity. Ebere wasn't qualified and can't be a candidate

Long Live Arochukwu Kingdom 

Long Live Our Brand New Eze Aro

Long Live Umu Aro. 

To God be the Glory.

 Am a concerned Nwa Aro and just speaking for balanced Umu Aro.

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