Arochukwu Kingdom Denounces False Allegations Regarding His Majesty, Eze Godwin Kanu Idei Kanu Okoro Oke

In a recent press release from the Media and Publicity Committee of the Arochukwu Kingdom, strong denunciations were made regarding allegations of His Majesty's involvement in a fabricated claim of being gay in Brazil. The release serves to address and refute these baseless accusations.

The Committee clarified several key points:

1. Refutation of Allegations: The Committee emphasized that the claims made against His Majesty were unsubstantiated and simply a result of jealousy and bitterness from those who could not accept his success.

2. Personal Life: His Majesty is happily married, residing with his wife and children in Brazil, refuting any claims suggesting otherwise.

3. Professional Contributions: His Majesty was a lecturer and actively involved in an NGO dedicated to rehabilitating and reintegrating individuals, including drug addicts, gays, and those with various diseases, back into society. His work focused on counseling, housing, job placements, and monitoring progress.

4. Humanitarian Efforts: The release highlighted the vigorous pursuit of humanitarian agendas by His Majesty, focusing on humanity and divinity. The initiatives extended to aiding those living with HIV, hepatitis, and other diseases, helping them to be cured and accepted in society.

5. International Connections: Arochukwu Kingdom is anticipated to benefit from international interventions leveraging His Majesty's contacts and connections for the betterment of the youth.

6. Firm Denial: The Committee unequivocally stated that His Majesty was never, is not, and will never be involved in supporting gay activities in any form, categorically dismissing the fabricated allegations.

7. Gratitude: Acknowledgment was expressed for the solidarity, prayers, and wise counsel received, ensuring His Majesty's commitment to the responsibilities of the beloved Kingdom.

The official response in both Brazilian Portuguese and English versions has been attached for reference.

The Arochukwu Kingdom stands united in support of His Majesty, Eze Godwin Kanu Idei Kanu Okoro Oke, affirming his integrity, dedication, and commitment to the well-being of the community.

Read The Full Press Release Below 👇.


Our attention has been drawn to blog publications and incoherent interview granted by one Prince Kanu Oji alleging that His Majesty is a gay in Brazil.  While the publication was handiwork of junk journalism, the said interview was only a function of natural jealousy and bitterness associated with bad losers. 

1. Our reaction is a follow up based on the formal response from the Group leadership which His Majesty belonged to in service to mankind. 

2. His Majesty Eze Godwin Kanu Idei Kanu Okoro Oke is happily married, living with his wife and children in Brazil.

3. His Majesty was a Lecturer in Brazil and was associated with an NGO helping drug addicts and gays to get rediscovered, rehabilitated and resettled in Brazil. They provide counselling and fund housing schemes for victims, do job placement and monitor progress of rehabilitation and reintegration. 

4. This same group help people living with HIV, hepatitis and other diseases to be cured and accepted in society. He vigorously pursued this humanitarian agenda associated with humanity and divinity. 

5. Arochukwu Kingdom under the traditional leadership of His Majesty, Eze Godwin Kanu Idei Kanu Okoro Oke should look forward to benefiting from such international intervention leveraging on His Majesty's contacts and connections for our Youths. 

6. We wish to state unequivocally without any iota of doubts and contradictions that His Majesty, Eze Godwin Kanu Idei Kanu Okoro Oke was never a gay, is not a gay and will never be or support gay in any form. Suffice it to say that the demonically fabricated and mendacious driven blackmails were dead on arrival. 

7. We appreciate all your solidarity, prayers and wise counsels as His Majesty is emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically compliant to shoulder the responsibilities of our beloved Kingdom. 

8. Official response in Brazil and English version is hereby attached. 

Long Live Arochukwu Kingdom 

Long Live Eze Aro

Long Live Umu Aro. 

Media and Publicity Committee.

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