Ibom Isii Kindred's Passes Vote of No Confidence in Mazi Dozie Udonsi, Pst. Eberechukwu and Nzuko Aro Executives

In a letter addressed to various stakeholders including Mayor Arochukwu L.G.A/ Traditional Rulers Chairmen of Abia State, all security agencies, and the 19 villages of Arochukwu Kingdom, Ibom Isii Kindred of Arochukwu Kingdom expressed their vote of no confidence in Mazi Dozie Udonsi, President General (PG) of Nzuko Aro Worldwide, his executives, and Pastor Nwamazi Eberechukwu Eni Kanu Oji. The letter, signed by Chief Ben A. O. Torty Ezeogo Agbagwu, Chief Urim Agobungini Ezeogo Amasu, Chief Alex Okoroji Ujari Rep, Chief Chijioke Chinonyerem Amukwa Rep, Chief Evans O. Anukwa Ezeogo Oror, Mazi Goddy O. Okoroji President General Ibom Isii, and Mazi Adolphus U. Nwankwo Secretary General, highlights several issues leading to their decision.


The letter starts with a reflection on the "Eze Aro Tussle and Verdict of History," quoting "Truth, crushed to earth, shall rise again..." to emphasize their belief in eventual vindication. It accuses Mazi Dozie Udonsi of being an errand boy for the Governor, implementing directives that undermine the traditional leadership of Eze Ibom Isii, HRH Eze Dr. Kanu Nwa Kanu, Eze Ibom Isii. It alleges that Dozie Udonsi has neglected the interests of Arochukwu Kingdom and disrespected court injunctions regarding the Eze Aro issue.

The letter further accuses Dozie Udonsi of deception, citing an instance where he allegedly promised loyalty to the Kindred/Kingdom but continued actions that contradicted his pledge. It questions the neutrality of Nzuko Aro under Dozie Udonsi's leadership, pointing out his involvement in the crowning of Pastor Nwamazi Eberechukwu Eni Kanu Oji and another individual as Eze Ibom Isii.

Ibom Isii Kindred resolves to forward a petition to Nzuko Aro Worldwide, requesting the dissolution of the current Executive to allow for new leadership that will be responsive to the people and not the Governor. They also demand the immediate facilitation of payment of all stipends/allowances owed to Eze Ibom Isii, HRH Eze Dr. Kanu Nwa Kanu, and express their continued support for him.


Additionally, the Kindred disassociates themselves from Amos Ngwu Egbu Okoro, who they allegedly claimed that he has no right to occupy the esteemed Eze Ibom Isii stool. They also disassociate themselves from Mazi Nwosu Bassey Nwosu, whom they claim is not an indigene of Ibom Isii.

Read Full Letter Below as Seen by Aro Okeigbo Blog,








Vote of No Confidence passed on Mazi Dozie Udonsi, PG, Nzuko Aro Worldwide and his Executives and Pastor Nwamazi Eberechukwu Eni Kanu Oji by Ibom Isii Kindred of Arochukwu Kingdom


Truth, crushed to earth, shall rise again, the eternal years of God are Hers. But error, wounded, writhes with pain and dies among His worshipers. This explains the injustice of man that always results in Aro man dangerously inflicting excruciating memories on another, just to achieve the evil tendencies of a kinsman emasculating a kinsman. What an irony of faith and verdict of history. History must surely vindicate the just. 

Ibom Isii kindred is made up of

(1) Ibom Etiti village

(2) Ugwuakuma village

(3) Agbagwu village

(4) Amasu village mantem hominem memb

(5) Ujari village

(6) Amaukwa village

(7) Part Of Oror village

(8) Atani Ibom Isii


The crowning of HM Eze Godwin Kanu Idei, Eze Aro IX, took place on 20th October, 2023, at Ali Ogo Ibom, the ancient arena for such events by HRH Eze Dr. Kanu Nwa Kanu, Eze Ibom Isii. After the crowning, HM Eze Godwin Kanu Idei, Eze Aro IX was presented to Ezeagwu na Okwaragwu Kindred for blessings and HRH Eze Okoroafor Uror Okoroafor, Eze Ezeagwu na Okwaragwu blessed and accepted him. And HM Eze Godwin Kanu Idei, Eze Aro the IX was escorted to Obinkita by the teaming Aro indigenes and was also blessed at Nkuma Amaikpe. He also worshipped at Ukwu Ovor at Oror and was later escorted to Awada Aro Okeigbo in Ugwuakuma and was generally presented to Arochukwu Kingdom where he was received by Eze Ibom Isii, Eze Ezeagwu and all the 19 village Ezeogos of Arochukwu. By this process, Eze Godwin Kanu Idei, Eze Aro the IX will remain the Eze Aro and HRH Eze Dr Kanu Nwa Kanu who performed the crowning remains Eze Ibom Isii because he has rightfully done what tradition requires of him to do. After five (5) days from the crowning, precisely on the 25th of October, 2023, HRH Eze Dr Kanu Nwa Kanu received a letter from the Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, suspending him, Eze Ibom Isii, from office. Why? We do not know, because it is still a puzzle for a non-indigene to interfere/intrude into what is purely an Aro tradition, which the Commissioner is ignorant of the practice and procedures. Or has any Aro man intruded into Ngwa traditional institutions or any other kingdoms?


HRH Eze Ibom Isii, Eze Dr Kanu Nwa Kanu challenged the Commissioner's action in court and secured two interlocutory injunctions granted to him, Eze Ibom Isii by Umunneochi High Court in Suit No: HI/47M/2023 and another from Ikwuano High Court in Suit No: IK/28M/2023. While these matters are still pending in court, Dozie Udonsi, on the 15th December, 2023, brought a message from the Abia State Governor that he will dethrone him Eze Ibom Isii, and also directed Dozie Udonsi, to stop paying Eze Ibom Isii, HRH Eze Dr.

Kanu Nwa Kanu, his stipends from Nzuko Aro purse forthwith. He also directed the PG, Dozie Udonsi to warn Eze Ibom Isii not to attend Nzuko Aro Day 2023 celebrations on the 26th December, 2023. Surprisingly, Mazi Dozie Udonsi, who is the PG Nzuko Aro, implemented all these directives. Now the pertinent question is, is the Governor now the PG? And since Dozie Udonsi as PG of Nzuko Aro has started taking directives from the Governor, instead of the Aro people, he automatically ceases to be the PG of Nzuko Aro, and we have no more confidence in him, PG and his Executives.

Therefore the Executives should be dissolved to give way for new Executives that will be responsive to the people and not the Governor. (Vote of No confidence, No 1).

Dozie Udonsi, the PG, after realizing his mistake for being an errand boy for the Governor, came to Eze Ibom Isii in company of Mazi S.O.K. and Mazi Dike Ezenta to beg for forgiveness, and pledged his loyalty to the Kindred/Kingdom and promised that such must not repeat itself. He went back to play key roles in all that was happening in the Eze Aro saga. What a deception! (Vote of No Confidence, No. 2).


Mazi Dozie Udonsi announced in the palace of Eze Ibom Isii in the presence of many palace officials, that the Nzuko Aro has resolved never to be involved in the Eze Aro tussle. That they, Nziuko Aro, will accept anyone presented as Eze Aro. The same Dozie went ahead and continued championing the crowning of Pst Nwamazi Eberechukwu Eni Kanu Oji. He, Dozie, was seen escorting Pst Nwamazi Eberechukwu Eni Kanu Oji to the Local Government and his presentation to the Governor at Umuahia for the staff and certificate of office. The same Dozie arranged for one Amos Ngwu Egbu to be crowned as Eze Ibom Isii. So, where is the neutrality of Nzuko Aro under Dozie Udonsi's leadership? (Genuine crisis of confidence, Vote of No Confidence, No. 3).

On the 26th day of January, 2024, Amos Ngwu Egbu Okoro crowned himself and was forcefully taken by joint military personnel to crown Pst. Nwamazi Eberechukwu Eni Kanu Oji and the same day, Dozie Udonsi escorted them to the Local Government. And later that night escorted Eberechukwu Eni Kanu Oji for presentation at Umuahia. Then, later on the 29th January, 2024, he Dozie Udonsi single- handedly sponsored his presentation to the entire Aro indigenes who snubbed him at Amaikpe Square for his unwholesome practices, knowing fully well that there were pending suites subsisting in court at Umunneochi High Court, restraining Eberechukwu Eni Oji to be crowned by anybody. Dozie Udonsi disregarded all these injunctions and thereby neglected and insulted the entire Ibom Isii Kindred. Dozie Udonsi is the cause of all the problems in Eze Aro issue. He is using the office of PG to perpetrate all these evil against the once relatively peaceful Arochukwu Kingdom.


Finally, Ibom Isii Kindred has lost interest in the leadership of Dozie Udonsi and his team, and resolved to forward their petition to Nzuko Aro Worldwide, thus:

1. That the Executive of Nzuko Aro Worldwide be dissolved forthwith to pave way for a credible leadership with people of integrity as Dozie and his executives are found to have deficit in honour.

2. That Dozie Udonsi and his team to immediately facilitate the payment of all stipends/allowances owed to Eze Ibom Isii, HRH Eze Dr Kanu Nwa Kanu, as he is still the incumbent Eze Ibom Isii, until all his matters in court are disposed of.


3. That Ibom Isii Kindred will at all time rally round our Eze Ibom Isii, who has ruled us for 28 years, and will continue to pray for his good health and long life on the throne.

4. That the Kindred of Ibom Isii disassociates ourselves from one Amos Ngwu Egbu Okoro, who hails from Obichie Agbo, Ndi Okorro Compound in Ibom Etiti. Obichie Ugwu na Agbo has never occupied traditional position before not to talk of esteemed Eze Ibom Isii stool.

5. home and abroad should disassociate themselves from the Dozie Udonsi and his executive administration.

6. Conclusion, That Mazi Nwosu Bassey Nwosu, who always presents himself as Ibom Isii indigene, is not our son. He is from Amamba in Ahaba Imenyi in Isiukwuato Local Government Area in Abia State. We refer to his deposition in Suit No: HAR/2/2016, which he made under oath in a competent court of jurisdiction. So we Ibom Isii Kindred of Arochukwu Kingdom disassociate ourselves from him in any representations, contributions, suggestions/opinions in whichever capacity he is involved. He is on his own and not from Ibom Isii and will never be.



Chief Ben A. O. Torty Ezeogo Agbagwu

Chief Urim Agobungini Ezeogo Amasu

Chief Alex Okoroji Ujari Rep

Chief Chijioke Chinonyerem Amukwa Rep

Chief Evans O. Anukwa Ezeogo Oror

Mazi Goddy O. Okoroji President General

Mazi Adolphus U. Nwankwo Secretary General.

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